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Our Lifetime Guarantee

Earlier this week I was speaking to a couple who hadn’t had a family portrait taken in 16 years. It’s totally understandable because life does get in the way sometimes but the wife was telling me how she’d wished that she’d had another one taken when her children were a little older. Sixteen years ago, their youngest was 9 months old! The real issue came though when I asked whether they had purchased something for their walls. The reply was that they had purchased…

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Fairy Portraits Geelong

Photography by Riccardo is offering Fairy Portraits in his Geelong studio. LITTLE FAIRIES WANTED! Do you have a little Fairy aged between 9 months and 7 years? I will be photographing a limited number of Fairy Sessions and you’re invited to take part. Sessions are just $49 and you will receive a Portrait Session valued at $150 plus 25% Off any Portraits. To register your details please click Here. This offer is for a LIMITED time and available to the first 10 people to…

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Geelong glamour portraits

I like to think that I change all my clients lives because I give them something that they’ll be able to cherish forever. But every now and then you meet someone and you just know you’ve changed their life. You see, a lot of women want to have a glamour portrait taken but the truth is that they just don’t have the confidence to come in and actually have it done. They don’t have the confidence that is, until they come in and go…

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Supporting Geelong fundraising events

This morning I thought I’d do a recap of the first half of the year for the donations that I’ve made. So far the studio has donated $63,240 worth of family portrait gift vouchers to Geelong Charities, Primary Schools, Kindergartens and sporting clubs! It’s great to know that locals will be benefiting from monies raised by auctioning off my vouchers. So, being that there are still 6 months to go, I’ve set a target to donate $100,000 by the end of the year, but…

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Geelong Child Portraits

When you’re just too cool that you just naturally strike a pose, then the end result is just going to look fabulous isn’t it!! Charlie came in with his brother and sister for a vintage child portrait session. Secretly I think he was loving the attention, actually, I think they all did. I’ve photographed all three children a few times and they are amazing to work with. Yes they jump around and carry on (show me a group of children that don’t though) but…

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Geelong Vintage Glamour Portraits

Glamour or Boudoir portraits, they mean a different thing to different people. It can be something as simple as a beautiful head and shoulder portrait or something more styled and provocative. My take on it is, do whatever you want! Photographing a glamour portrait isn’t like any other portrait, there’s a process that involves a lot of planning, which starts with you telling me what your take on glamour is. In other words, what kind of portraits do you like? Everything that will take…

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Geelong Painted Portraits

This stunning image started out as a Maternity Portrait Session, but a beautiful little butterfly was flying around and quickly stole the show! You’re probably looking at this portrait and thinking it looks a little different than normal and If you are, then you’re 100% correct. Photography by Riccardo is the only Geelong professional photographer that now offers a Painted Portrait look as an option. A painted portrait is a cross between a painting and your traditional portrait, so it’s not something that is…

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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us!  So I wanted to explain our online information practices and the way your information is collected and used. This applies to all information collected or submitted to Riccardo Photography on our website and through any other collection points such as any social media pages, competition entries and on in studio order forms when you place an order with us. The only personal information we collect is name,  email address, telephone number and address. Your credit card information will…

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Classic Cars Geelong

Did you hear about about my Wheel Love Geelong project where I photographed families with their Classic Cars?   The car brings the family together and every car has a story behind it. I’m not sure who gets more excited when I do one of these sessions, the Mums and Dads or the kids, especially when I ask them to get behind the wheel of the car for a photo! If you’re an enthusiast, you don’t need me to tell you that your car is…

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Mothers & Daughters of Geelong

There’s no stronger bond that that of a Mother and Daughter….except maybe that of a Grandmother, Daughter and Granddaughter! In the last twelve months, I have had the pleasure of photographing quite a few three and even four generational portraits. The Grandmothers love it and so do the Granddaughters…because they now that there’s a good chance that Nanna will spoil them after the session!! So now is the time to get the girls together and organise a Generational family portrait session. As a bonus,…

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